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Function Category Description
INFO.CALCDEPENDENCY Information Returns information about the calculation dependency for a DAX query.
INFO.CATALOGS Information Represents the DBSCHEMA_CATALOGS DMV query function.
INFO.PROPERTIES Information Represents the DISCOVER_PROPERTIES DMV query function.


Function Category Description
INFO.STORAGETABLECOLUMNS Information Returns statistics about the columns of in-memory tables.
INFO.STORAGETABLECOLUMNSEGMENTS Information Returns information about the column segments used for storing data for in-memory tables.
INFO.STORAGETABLES Other Returns statistics about in-memory tables.


Function Category Description
INFO.FUNCTIONS Information Returns information about the functions that are currently available for use in the DAX programming language.


Function Category Description
INFO.ANNOTATIONS Information Returns a list of all annotations in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for annotation objects.
INFO.COLUMNPERMISSIONS Information Returns a list of all column permissions in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for column permissions objects.
INFO.COLUMNS Information Returns a list of all columns in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for column objects.
INFO.COLUMNSTORAGES Information Returns a list of all column storages in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for column storage objects.
INFO.CULTURES Information Returns a list of all cultures in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for culture objects.
INFO.DATASOURCES Information Represents the TMSCHEMA_DATASOURCES DMV query function.
INFO.DETAILROWSDEFINITIONS Information Returns a list of all detail rows definitions in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for detail rows definitions objects.
INFO.EXPRESSIONS Information Returns a list of all expressions in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for expressions objects.
INFO.EXTENDEDPROPERTIES Information Returns a list of all extended properties in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for extended properties objects.
INFO.HIERARCHIES Information Represents the TMSCHEMA_HIERARCHIES DMV query function.
INFO.KPIS Information Returns a list of all KPIS in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for KPI objects.
INFO.LEVELS Information Returns a list of all levels in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for level objects.
INFO.MEASURES Information Returns a list of all measures in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for measure objects.
INFO.MODEL Information Represents the TMSCHEMA_MODEL DMV query function.
INFO.OBJECTTRANSLATIONS Information Returns a list of all object translations in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for object translation objects.
INFO.PARTITIONS Information Represents the TMSCHEMA_PARTITIONS DMV query function.
INFO.PARTITIONSTORAGES Information Returns a list of all partition storages in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for partition storage objects.
INFO.PERSPECTIVECOLUMNS Information Returns a list of all perspective columns in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for perspective columns objects.
INFO.PERSPECTIVEHIERARCHIES Information Returns a list of all perspective hierarchies in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for perspective hierarchies objects.
INFO.PERSPECTIVEMEASURES Information Returns a list of all perspective measures in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for perspective measures objects.
INFO.PERSPECTIVES Information Returns a list of all perspectives in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for perspectives objects.
INFO.PERSPECTIVETABLES Information Returns a list of all perspective tables in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for perspective tables objects.
INFO.RELATIONSHIPS Information Represents the TMSCHEMA_RELATIONSHIPS DMV query function.
INFO.ROLEMEMBERSHIPS Information Returns a list of all role memberships in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for role memberships objects.
INFO.ROLES Information Returns a list of all roles in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for roles objects.
INFO.SEGMENTMAPSTORAGES Information Returns a list of all segment map storages in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for segment map storage objects.
INFO.STORAGEFILES Information Returns a list of all storage files in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for storage file objects.
INFO.STORAGEFOLDERS Information Returns a list of all storage folders in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for storage folder objects.
INFO.TABLEPERMISSIONS Information Returns a list of all table permissions in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for table permissions objects.
INFO.TABLES Information Returns a list of all tables in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for table objects.
INFO.TABLESTORAGES Information Returns a list of all table storages in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for table storage objects.
INFO.VARIATIONS Information Returns a list of all variations in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for variations objects.


Function Category Description
Returns a subset from a table expression that is obtained by binning the primary X-Axis into equal-sized bins and then preserving the local min/max for each bin across different series.
SAMPLECARTESIANPOINTSBYCOVER Other Returns a sample subset from a given table expression that is obtained by plotting the rows as points in a 2D space, based on the input coordinates and radius columns, and then removing overlapping points.
TOPNSKIP Table manipulation Retrieves a number of rows from a table efficiently, skipping a number of rows. Compared to TOPN, the TOPNSKIP function is less flexible, but much faster.


Function Category Description
MATCHBY Filter The columns used to determine how to match data and identify the current row. Can only be used within a Window function.


Function Category Description
EXTERNALMEASURE Other Invoke a measure defined in a remote model.


Function Category Description
COLLAPSE Other Retrieves a context with removed detail levels compared to the current context. With an expression, returns its value in the new context, allowing navigation up hierarchies and calculation at a coarser level of detail.
COLLAPSEALL Other Retrieves a context with removed detail levels along an axis. With an expression, returns its value in the new context, enabling navigation to the highest level on the axis and is the inverse of EXPANDALL.
EXPAND Other Retrieves a context with added levels of detail compared to the current context. If an expression is provided, returns its value in the new context, allowing for navigation in hierarchies and calculation at a more detailed level.
EXPANDALL Other Retrieves a context with added detail levels along an axis compared to the current context. With an expression, returns its value in the new context, enabling navigation to the lowest level on the axis, and is the inverse of COLLAPSEALL.
FIRST Other The First function retrieves a value in the Visual Calculation data grid from the first row of an axis.
ISATLEVEL Other Report whether the column is present at the current level.
LAST Other The Last function retrieves a value in the Visual Calculation data grid from the last row of an axis.
LOOKUP Other Identifies cells where specified columns match evaluated expressions, and retrieves a column value (only when a single cell is identified) or calculates an expression's value from those matching cells.
MOVINGAVERAGE Other Calculates a moving average along the specified axis of the Visual Calculation data grid.
NEXT Other The Next function retrieves a value in the next row of an axis in the Visual Calculation data grid.
PREVIOUS Other The Previous function retrieves a value in the previous row of an axis in the Visual Calculation data grid.
RANGE Other Retrieves a range of rows within the specified axis, relative to the current row.
RANK Other Returns the rank for the current context within the specified partition sorted by the specified order or on the axis specified.
ROWNUMBER Other Returns the unique rank for the current context within the specified partition sorted by the specified order or on the axis specified.
RUNNINGSUM Other Calculates a running sum along the specified axis of the Visual Calculation data grid.


Function Category Description
LINEST Statistical Uses the Least Squares method to calculate a straight line that best fits the data, then returns a table describing the line. The equation for the line is of the form: y = m1*x1 + m2*x2 + ... + b.
LINESTX Statistical Uses the Least Squares method to calculate a straight line that best fits the data, then returns a table describing the line. The data result from expressions evaluated for each row in a table.


Function Category Description
INDEX Filter Retrieves a row at an absolute position (specified by the position parameter) within the specified partition sorted by the specified order or on the axis specified.
OFFSET Filter Retrieves a single row from a relation by moving a number of rows within the specified partition, sorted by the specified order or on the axis specified.
ORDERBY Filter The expressions and order directions used to determine the sort order within each partition. Can only be used within a Window function.
PARTITIONBY Filter The columns used to determine how to partition the data. Can only be used within a Window function.
WINDOW Filter Retrieves a range of rows within the specified partition, sorted by the specified order or on the axis specified.


Function Category Description
USERCULTURE Information Returns the culture code for the user, based on their operating system or browser settings.


Function Category Description
EVALUATEANDLOG Information Return the value of the first argument and also log the value in DAX evaluation log.
TOCSV Text Converts the records of a table into a CSV (comma-separated values) text.
TOJSON Text Converts the records of a table into a JSON text.


Function Category Description
NETWORKDAYS Date and Time Returns the number of whole workdays between two dates (inclusive) using parameters to indicate which and how many days are weekend days. Weekend days and any days that are specified as holidays are not considered as workdays.


Function Category Description
BITAND Logical Returns a bitwise 'AND' of two numbers.
BITLSHIFT Other Returns a number shifted left by the specified number of bits.
BITOR Logical Returns a bitwise 'OR' of two numbers.
BITRSHIFT Other Returns a number shifted right by the specified number of bits.
BITXOR Logical Returns a bitwise 'XOR' of two numbers.


Function Category Description
NAMEOF Information Returns the name of a column or measure.


Function Category Description
COLUMNSTATISTICS Information Provides statistics regarding every column in every table in the model.


Function Category Description
HASH Other Compute hash over a variable number of input expressions and return a value.


Function Category Description
ISAFTER Information Returns true if the list of Value1 parameters compares strictly after the list of Value2 parameters.


Function Category Description
ACCRINT Financial Returns the accrued interest for a security that pays periodic interest.
ACCRINTM Financial Returns the accrued interest for a security that pays interest at maturity.
AMORDEGRC Financial Returns the depreciation for each accounting period. This function is provided for the French accounting system. If an asset is purchased in the middle of the accounting period, the prorated depreciation is taken into account. The function is similar to AMORLINC, except that a depreciation coefficient is applied in the calculation depending on the life of the assets.
AMORLINC Financial Returns the depreciation for each accounting period. This function is provided for the French accounting system. If an asset is purchased in the middle of the accounting period, the prorated depreciation is taken into account.
COUPDAYBS Financial Returns the number of days from the beginning of a coupon period until its settlement date.
COUPDAYS Financial Returns the number of days in the coupon period that contains the settlement date.
COUPDAYSNC Financial Returns the number of days from the settlement date to the next coupon date.
COUPNCD Financial Returns the next coupon date after the settlement date.
COUPNUM Financial Returns the number of coupons payable between the settlement date and maturity date, rounded up to the nearest whole coupon.
COUPPCD Financial Returns the previous coupon date before the settlement date.
CUMIPMT Financial Returns the cumulative interest paid on a loan between start_period and end_period.
CUMPRINC Financial Returns the cumulative principal paid on a loan between start_period and end_period.
DB Financial Returns the depreciation of an asset for a specified period using the fixed-declining balance method.
DDB Financial Returns the depreciation of an asset for a specified period using the double-declining balance method or some other method you specify.
DISC Financial Returns the discount rate for a security.
DOLLARDE Financial Converts a dollar price expressed as an integer part and a fraction part, such as 1.02, into a dollar price expressed as a decimal number. Fractional dollar numbers are sometimes used for securities prices.
DOLLARFR Financial Converts a dollar price expressed as a decimal number into a dollar price expressed as an integer part and a fraction part, such as 1.02. Fractional dollar numbers are sometimes used for securities prices.
DURATION Financial Returns the Macauley duration for an assumed par value of $100. Duration is defined as the weighted average of the present value of cash flows, and is used as a measure of a bond price's response to changes in yield.
EFFECT Financial Returns the effective annual interest rate, given the nominal annual interest rate and the number of compounding periods per year.
FV Financial Calculates the future value of an investment based on a constant interest rate. You can use FV with either periodic, constant payments, or a single lump sum payment.
INTRATE Financial Returns the interest rate for a fully invested security.
IPMT Financial Returns the interest payment for a given period for an investment based on periodic, constant payments and a constant interest rate.
ISPMT Financial Calculates the interest paid (or received) for the specified period of a loan (or investment) with even principal payments.
MDURATION Financial Returns the modified Macauley duration for a security with an assumed par value of $100.
NOMINAL Financial Returns the nominal annual interest rate, given the effective rate and the number of compounding periods per year.
NPER Financial Returns the number of periods for an investment based on periodic, constant payments and a constant interest rate.
ODDFPRICE Financial Returns the price per $100 face value of a security having an odd (short or long) first period.
ODDFYIELD Financial Returns the yield of a security that has an odd (short or long) first period.
ODDLPRICE Financial Returns the price per $100 face value of a security having an odd (short or long) last period.
ODDLYIELD Financial Returns the yield of a security that has an odd (short or long) last period.
PDURATION Financial Returns the number of periods required by an investment to reach a specified value.
PMT Financial Calculates the payment for a loan based on constant payments and a constant interest rate.
PPMT Financial Returns the payment on the principal for a given period for an investment based on periodic, constant payments and a constant interest rate.
PRICE Financial Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays periodic interest.
PRICEDISC Financial Returns the price per $100 face value of a discounted security.
PRICEMAT Financial Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays interest at maturity.
PV Financial calculates the present value of a loan or an investment, based on a constant interest rate. You can use PV with either periodic, constant payments (such as a mortgage or other loan), or a future value that's your investment goal.
RATE Financial Returns the interest rate per period of an annuity. RATE is calculated by iteration and can have zero or more solutions. If the successive results of RATE do not converge to within 0.0000001 after 20 iterations, RATE returns an error.
RECEIVED Financial Returns the amount received at maturity for a fully invested security.
RRI Financial Returns an equivalent interest rate for the growth of an investment.
SLN Financial Returns the straight-line depreciation of an asset for one period.
SYD Financial Returns the sum-of-years' digits depreciation of an asset for a specified period.
TBILLEQ Financial Returns the bond-equivalent yield for a Treasury bill.
TBILLPRICE Financial Returns the price per $100 face value for a Treasury bill.
TBILLYIELD Financial Returns the yield for a Treasury bill.
VDB Financial Returns the depreciation of an asset for any period you specify, including partial periods, using the double-declining balance method or some other method you specify. VDB stands for variable declining balance.
YIELD Financial Returns the yield on a security that pays periodic interest. Use YIELD to calculate bond yield.
YIELDDISC Financial Returns the annual yield for a discounted security.
YIELDMAT Financial Returns the annual yield of a security that pays interest at maturity.


Function Category Description
COALESCE Logical Returns the first argument that does not evaluate to a blank value. If all arguments evaluate to blank values, BLANK is returned.


Function Category Description
IF.EAGER Logical Checks whether a condition is met, and returns one value if TRUE, and another value if FALSE. Uses eager execution plan.


Function Category Description
FIRSTNONBLANKVALUE Time Intelligence Returns the first non blank value of the expression that evaluated for the column.
LASTNONBLANKVALUE Time Intelligence Returns the last non blank value of the expression that evaluated for the column.
QUARTER Date and Time Returns a number from 1 (January-March) to 4 (October-December) representing the quarter.


Function Category Description
TOPNPERLEVEL Table manipulation


Function Category Description
CONVERT Math and Trig Convert an expression to the specified data type.
REMOVEFILTERS Filter Clear filters from the specified tables or columns.


Function Category Description
SELECTEDMEASUREFORMATSTRING Information Returns format string for the measure that is currently being evaluated.


Function Category Description
ALLCROSSFILTERED Filter Clear all filters which are applied to the specified table.
ISSELECTEDMEASURE Information Returns true if one of the specified measures is currently being evaluated.


Function Category Description
CONTAINSSTRING Information Returns TRUE if one text string contains another text string. CONTAINSSTRING is not case-sensitive, but it is accent-sensitive.
CONTAINSSTRINGEXACT Information Returns TRUE if one text string contains another text string. CONTAINSSTRINGEXACT is case-sensitive and accent-sensitive.
DISTINCTCOUNTNOBLANK Aggregation Counts the number of distinct values in a column.


Function Category Description
APPROXIMATEDISTINCTCOUNT Aggregation Returns an estimated count of the unique values in a column. This function invokes a corresponding aggregation operation in the data source, optimized for query performance but with slightly reduced accuracy. You can use APPROXIMATEDISTINCTCOUNT with the following data sources: Azure SQL, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, BigQuery, Databricks, and Snowflake. Note that this function requires DirectQuery mode. Import mode and dual storage mode are not supported.


Function Category Description
ISINSCOPE Information Returns true when the specified column is the level in a hierarchy of levels.


Function Category Description
NONVISUAL Table manipulation Mark the filter as NonVisual.


Function Category Description
NORM.DIST Statistical Returns the normal distribution for the specified mean and standard deviation.
NORM.INV Statistical Returns the inverse of the normal cumulative distribution for the specified mean and standard deviation.
NORM.S.DIST Statistical Returns the standard normal distribution (has a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one).
NORM.S.INV Statistical Returns the inverse of the standard normal cumulative distribution. The distribution has a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one.
T.DIST Statistical Returns the Student's left-tailed t-distribution.
T.DIST.2T Statistical Returns the two-tailed Student's t-distribution.
T.DIST.RT Statistical Returns the right-tailed Student's t-distribution.
T.INV Statistical Returns the left-tailed inverse of the Student's t-distribution.
T.INV.2T Statistical Returns the two-tailed inverse of the Student's t-distribution.


Function Category Description
SELECTEDMEASURE Information Returns the measure that is currently being evaluated.
SELECTEDMEASURENAME Information Returns name of the measure that is currently being evaluated.


Function Category Description
UTCNOW Date and Time Returns the current date and time in datetime format expressed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
UTCTODAY Date and Time Returns the current date in datetime format expressed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).


Function Category Description
COMBINEVALUES Text Combines the given set of operands using a specified delimiter.


Function Category Description
GENERATESERIES Table manipulation Returns a table with one column, populated with sequential values from start to end.


Function Category Description
SELECTEDVALUE Filter Returns the value when there's only one value in the specified column, otherwise returns the alternate result.


Function Category Description
USEROBJECTID Information Returns the current user's Object ID from Azure AD for Azure Analysis Server and the current user's SID for on-premise Analysis Server.


Function Category Description
ERROR Other Raises a user specified error.


Function Category Description
UNICHAR Text Returns the Unicode character that is referenced by the given numeric value.


Function Category Description
TREATAS Table manipulation Treats the columns of the input table as columns from other tables. For each column, filters out any values that are not present in its respective output column.


Function Category Description
DETAILROWS Table manipulation Returns the table data corresponding to the DetailRows expression defined on the specified Measure. If a DetailRows expression is not defined then the entire table to which the Measure belongs is returned.


Function Category Description
CONTAINSROW Information Returns TRUE if there exists at least one row where all columns have specified values.
DATATABLE Table manipulation Returns a table with data defined inline.
USERPRINCIPALNAME Information Returns the user principal name.

Before 2017-01-01

Function Category Description
ABS Math and Trig Returns the absolute value of a number.
ACOS Math and Trig Returns the arccosine, or inverse cosine, of a number. The arccosine is the angle whose cosine is number. The returned angle is given in radians in the range 0 (zero) to pi.
ACOSH Math and Trig Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a number. The number must be greater than or equal to 1. The inverse hyperbolic cosine is the value whose hyperbolic cosine is number, so ACOSH(COSH(number)) equals number.
ACOT Math and Trig Returns the principal value of the arccotangent, or inverse cotangent, of a number.
ACOTH Math and Trig Returns the inverse hyperbolic cotangent of a number.
ADDCOLUMNS Table manipulation Returns a table with new columns specified by the DAX expressions.
ADDMISSINGITEMS Table manipulation Add the rows with empty measure values back.
ALL Filter Returns all the rows in a table, or all the values in a column, ignoring any filters that might have been applied.
ALLEXCEPT Filter Returns all the rows in a table except for those rows that are affected by the specified column filters.
ALLNOBLANKROW Filter Returns all the rows except blank row in a table, or all the values in a column, ignoring any filters that might have been applied.
ALLSELECTED Filter Returns all the rows in a table, or all the values in a column, ignoring any filters that might have been applied inside the query, but keeping filters that come from outside.
AND Logical Checks whether all arguments are TRUE, and returns TRUE if all arguments are TRUE.
ASIN Math and Trig Returns the arcsine, or inverse sine, of a number. The arcsine is the angle whose sine is number. The returned angle is given in radians in the range -pi/2 to pi/2.
ASINH Math and Trig Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of a number. The inverse hyperbolic sine is the value whose hyperbolic sine is number, so ASINH(SINH(number)) equals number.
ATAN Math and Trig Returns the arctangent, or inverse tangent, of a number. The arctangent is the angle whose tangent is number. The returned angle is given in radians in the range -pi/2 to pi/2.
ATANH Math and Trig Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a number. Number must be between -1 and 1 (excluding -1 and 1). The inverse hyperbolic tangent is the value whose hyperbolic tangent is number, so ATANH(TANH(number)) equals number.
AVERAGE Aggregation Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of all the numbers in a column.
AVERAGEA Aggregation Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of the values in a column. Handles text and non-numeric values.
AVERAGEX Aggregation Calculates the average (arithmetic mean) of a set of expressions evaluated over a table.
BETA.DIST Statistical Returns the beta distribution. The beta distribution is commonly used to study variation in the percentage of something across samples, such as the fraction of the day people spend watching television.
BETA.INV Statistical Returns the inverse of the beta cumulative probability density function (BETA.DIST). If probability = BETA.DIST(x,...TRUE), then BETA.INV(probability,...) = x. The beta distribution can be used in project planning to model probable completion times given an expected completion time and variability.
BLANK Other Returns a blank.
CALCULATE Filter Evaluates an expression in a context modified by filters.
CALCULATETABLE Filter Evaluates a table expression in a context modified by filters.
CALENDAR Date and Time Returns a table with one column of all dates between StartDate and EndDate.
CALENDARAUTO Date and Time Returns a table with one column of dates calculated from the model automatically.
CEILING Math and Trig Rounds a number up, to the nearest integer or to the nearest unit of significance.
CHISQ.DIST Statistical Returns the chi-squared distribution. The chi-squared distribution is commonly used to study variation in the percentage of something across samples, such as the fraction of the day people spend watching television.
CHISQ.DIST.RT Statistical Returns the right-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution. The chi-squared distribution is associated with a chi-squared test. Use the chi-squared test to compare observed and expected values. For example, a genetic experiment might hypothesize that the next generation of plants will exhibit a certain set of colors. By comparing the observed results with the expected ones, you can decide whether your original hypothesis is valid.
CHISQ.INV Statistical Returns the inverse of the left-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution. The chi-squared distribution is commonly used to study variation in the percentage of something across samples, such as the fraction of the day people spend watching television.
CHISQ.INV.RT Statistical Returns the inverse of the right-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution. If probability = CHISQ.DIST.RT(x,...), then CHISQ.INV.RT(probability,...) = x. Use this function to compare observed results with expected ones in order to decide whether your original hypothesis is valid.
CLOSINGBALANCEMONTH Time Intelligence Evaluates the specified expression for the date corresponding to the end of the current month after applying specified filters.
CLOSINGBALANCEQUARTER Time Intelligence Evaluates the specified expression for the date corresponding to the end of the current quarter after applying specified filters.
CLOSINGBALANCEYEAR Time Intelligence Evaluates the specified expression for the date corresponding to the end of the current year after applying specified filters.
COMBIN Statistical Returns the number of combinations for a given number of items. Use COMBIN to determine the total possible number of groups for a given number of items.
COMBINA Statistical Returns the number of combinations (with repetitions) for a given number of items.
CONCATENATE Text Joins two text strings into one text string.
CONCATENATEX Text Evaluates expression for each row on the table, then return the concatenation of those values in a single string result, seperated by the specified delimiter.
CONFIDENCE.NORM Statistical Returns the confidence interval for a population mean, using a normal distribution.
CONFIDENCE.T Statistical Returns the confidence interval for a population mean, using a Student's t distribution.
CONTAINS Information Returns TRUE if there exists at least one row where all columns have specified values.
COS Math and Trig Returns the cosine of the given angle.
COSH Math and Trig Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a number.
COT Math and Trig Return the cotangent of an angle specified in radians.
COTH Math and Trig Return the hyperbolic cotangent of a hyperbolic angle.
COUNT Aggregation Counts the number of rows in the table where the specified column has a non-blank value.
COUNTA Aggregation Counts the number of values in a column.
COUNTAX Aggregation Counts the number of values which result from evaluating an expression for each row of a table.
COUNTBLANK Aggregation Counts the number of blanks in a column.
COUNTROWS Aggregation Counts the number of rows in a table.
COUNTX Aggregation Counts the number of values which result from evaluating an expression for each row of a table.
CROSSFILTER Relationships management Specifies cross filtering direction to be used in the evaluation of a DAX expression. The relationship is defined by naming, as arguments, the two columns that serve as endpoints.
CROSSJOIN Table manipulation Returns a table that is a crossjoin of the specified tables.
CURRENCY Math and Trig Returns the value as a currency data type.
CURRENTGROUP Table manipulation Access to the (sub)table representing current group in GroupBy function. Can be used only inside GroupBy function.
CUSTOMDATA Information Returns the value of the CustomData connection string property if defined; otherwise, BLANK().
DATE Date and Time Returns the specified date in datetime format.
DATEADD Time Intelligence Moves the given set of dates by a specified interval.
DATEDIFF Date and Time Returns the number of units (unit specified in Interval) between the input two dates.
DATESBETWEEN Time Intelligence Returns the dates between two given dates.
DATESINPERIOD Time Intelligence Returns the dates from the given period.
DATESMTD Time Intelligence Returns a set of dates in the month up to the last date visible in the filter context.
DATESQTD Time Intelligence Returns a set of dates in the quarter up to the last date visible in the filter context.
DATESYTD Time Intelligence Returns a set of dates in the year up to the last date visible in the filter context.
DATEVALUE Date and Time Converts a date in the form of text to a date in datetime format.
DAY Date and Time Returns a number from 1 to 31 representing the day of the month.
DEGREES Math and Trig Converts radians into degrees.
DISTINCT Table manipulation Returns a one column table that contains the distinct (unique) values in a column, for a column argument. Or multiple columns with distinct (unique) combination of values, for a table expression argument.
DISTINCTCOUNT Aggregation Counts the number of distinct values in a column.
DIVIDE Math and Trig Safe Divide function with ability to handle divide by zero case.
EARLIER Other Returns the value in the column prior to the specified number of table scans (default is 1).
EARLIEST Other Returns the value in the column for the very first point at which there was a row context.
EDATE Date and Time Returns the date that is the indicated number of months before or after the start date.
ENDOFMONTH Time Intelligence Returns the end of month.
ENDOFQUARTER Time Intelligence Returns the end of quarter.
ENDOFYEAR Time Intelligence Returns the end of year.
EOMONTH Date and Time Returns the date in datetime format of the last day of the month before or after a specified number of months.
EVEN Math and Trig Returns number rounded up to the nearest even integer. You can use this function for processing items that come in twos. For example, a packing crate accepts rows of one or two items. The crate is full when the number of items, rounded up to the nearest two, matches the crate's capacity.
EXACT Text Checks whether two text strings are exactly the same, and returns TRUE or FALSE. EXACT is case-sensitive.
EXCEPT Table manipulation Returns the rows of left-side table which do not appear in right-side table.
EXP Math and Trig Returns e raised to the power of a given number.
EXPON.DIST Statistical Returns the exponential distribution. Use EXPON.DIST to model the time between events, such as how long an automated bank teller takes to deliver cash. For example, you can use EXPON.DIST to determine the probability that the process takes at most 1 minute.
FACT Math and Trig Returns the factorial of a number, equal to 1*2*3*...* Number.
FALSE Logical Returns the logical value FALSE.
FILTER Filter Returns a table that has been filtered.
FILTERS Table manipulation Returns a table of the filter values applied directly to the specified column.
FIND Text Returns the starting position of one text string within another text string. FIND is case-sensitive and accent-sensitive.
FIRSTDATE Time Intelligence Returns first non blank date.
FIRSTNONBLANK Time Intelligence Returns the first value in the column for which the expression has a non blank value.
FIXED Text Rounds a number to the specified number of decimals and returns the result as text with optional commas.
FLOOR Math and Trig Rounds a number down, toward zero, to the nearest multiple of significance.
FORMAT Text Converts a value to text in the specified number format.
GCD Math and Trig Returns the greatest common divisor of two integers. The greatest common divisor is the largest integer that divides both number1 and number2 without a remainder.
GENERATE Table manipulation The second table expression will be evaluated for each row in the first table. Returns the crossjoin of the first table with these results.
GENERATEALL Table manipulation The second table expression will be evaluated for each row in the first table. Returns the crossjoin of the first table with these results, including rows for which the second table expression is empty.
GEOMEAN Statistical Returns geometric mean of given column reference.
GEOMEANX Statistical Returns geometric mean of an expression values in a table.
GROUPBY Table manipulation Creates a summary the input table grouped by the specified columns.
HASONEFILTER Information Returns true when the specified table or column has one and only one value resulting from direct filter(s).
HASONEVALUE Information Returns true when there's only one value in the specified column.
HOUR Date and Time Returns the hour as a number from 0 (12:00 A.M.) to 23 (11:00 P.M.).
IF Logical Checks whether a condition is met, and returns one value if TRUE, and another value if FALSE.
IFERROR Logical Returns value_if_error if the first expression is an error and the value of the expression itself otherwise.
IGNORE Table manipulation Tags a measure expression specified in the call to SUMMARIZECOLUMNS function to be ignored when determining the non-blank rows.
INT Math and Trig Rounds a number down to the nearest integer.
INTERSECT Table manipulation Returns the rows of left-side table which appear in right-side table.
ISBLANK Information Checks whether a value is blank, and returns TRUE or FALSE.
ISCROSSFILTERED Information Returns true when the specified table or column is crossfiltered.
ISEMPTY Information Returns true if the specified table or table-expression is Empty.
ISERROR Information Checks whether a value is an error, and returns TRUE or FALSE.
ISEVEN Information Returns TRUE if number is even, or FALSE if number is odd.
ISFILTERED Information Returns true when there are direct filters on the specified column.
ISLOGICAL Information Checks whether a value is a logical value (TRUE or FALSE), and returns TRUE or FALSE.
ISNONTEXT Information Checks whether a value is not text (blank cells are not text), and returns TRUE or FALSE.
ISNUMBER Information Checks whether a value is a number, and returns TRUE or FALSE.
ISO.CEILING Math and Trig Rounds a number up, to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance.
ISODD Information Returns TRUE if number is odd, or FALSE if number is even.
ISONORAFTER Information The IsOnOrAfter function is a boolean function that emulates the behavior of Start At clause and returns true for a row that meets all the conditions mentioned as parameters in this function.
ISSUBTOTAL Information Returns TRUE if the current row contains a subtotal for a specified column and FALSE otherwise.
ISTEXT Information Checks whether a value is text, and returns TRUE or FALSE.
KEEPFILTERS Filter Changes the CALCULATE and CALCULATETABLE function filtering semantics.
KEYWORDMATCH Other Returns TRUE if there is a match between the MatchExpression and Text.
LASTDATE Time Intelligence Returns last non blank date.
LASTNONBLANK Time Intelligence Returns the last value in the column for which the expression has a non blank value.
LCM Math and Trig Returns the least common multiple of integers. The least common multiple is the smallest positive integer that is a multiple of both integer arguments number1, number2. Use LCM to add fractions with different denominators.
LEFT Text Returns the specified number of characters from the start of a text string.
LEN Text Returns the number of characters in a text string.
LN Math and Trig Returns the natural logarithm of a number.
LOG Math and Trig Returns the logarithm of a number to the base you specify.
LOG10 Math and Trig Returns the base-10 logarithm of a number.
LOOKUPVALUE Filter Retrieves a value from a table.
LOWER Text Converts all letters in a text string to lowercase.
MAX Aggregation Returns the largest value in a column, or the larger value between two scalar expressions. Ignores logical values. Strings are compared according to alphabetical order.
MAXA Aggregation Returns the largest value in a column. Does not ignore logical values and text.
MAXX Aggregation Returns the largest value that results from evaluating an expression for each row of a table. Strings are compared according to alphabetical order.
MEDIAN Statistical Returns the 50th percentile of values in a column.
MEDIANX Statistical Returns the 50th percentile of an expression values in a table.
MID Text Returns a string of characters from the middle of a text string, given a starting position and length.
MIN Aggregation Returns the smallest value in a column, or the smaller value between two scalar expressions. Ignores logical values. Strings are compared according to alphabetical order.
MINA Aggregation Returns the smallest value in a column. Does not ignore logical values and text.
MINUTE Date and Time Returns a number from 0 to 59 representing the minute.
MINX Aggregation Returns the smallest value that results from evaluating an expression for each row of a table. Strings are compared according to alphabetical order.
MOD Math and Trig Returns the remainder after a number is divided by a divisor.
MONTH Date and Time Returns a number from 1 (January) to 12 (December) representing the month.
MROUND Math and Trig Returns a number rounded to the desired multiple.
NATURALINNERJOIN Table manipulation Joins the Left table with right table using the Inner Join semantics.
NATURALLEFTOUTERJOIN Table manipulation Joins the Left table with right table using the Left Outer Join semantics.
NEXTDAY Time Intelligence Returns a next day.
NEXTMONTH Time Intelligence Returns a next month.
NEXTQUARTER Time Intelligence Returns a next quarter.
NEXTYEAR Time Intelligence Returns a next year.
NOT Logical Changes FALSE to TRUE, or TRUE to FALSE.
NOW Date and Time Returns the current date and time in datetime format.
ODD Math and Trig Returns number rounded up to the nearest odd integer.
OPENINGBALANCEMONTH Time Intelligence Evaluates the specified expression for the date corresponding to the end of the previous month after applying specified filters.
OPENINGBALANCEQUARTER Time Intelligence Evaluates the specified expression for the date corresponding to the end of the previous quarter after applying specified filters.
OPENINGBALANCEYEAR Time Intelligence Evaluates the specified expression for the date corresponding to the end of the previous year after applying specified filters.
OR Logical Returns TRUE if any of the arguments are TRUE, and returns FALSE if all arguments are FALSE.
PARALLELPERIOD Time Intelligence Returns a parallel period of dates by the given set of dates and a specified interval.
PATH Parent-child Returns a string which contains a delimited list of IDs, starting with the top/root of a hierarchy and ending with the specified ID.
PATHCONTAINS Parent-child Returns TRUE if the specified Item exists within the specified Path.
PATHITEM Parent-child Returns the nth item in the delimited list produced by the Path function.
PATHITEMREVERSE Parent-child Returns the nth item in the delimited list produced by the Path function, counting backwards from the last item in the path.
PATHLENGTH Parent-child Returns returns the number of items in a particular path string. This function returns 1 for the path generated for an ID at the top/root of a hierarchy.
PERCENTILE.EXC Statistical Returns the k-th (exclusive) percentile of values in a column.
PERCENTILE.INC Statistical Returns the k-th (inclusive) percentile of values in a column.
PERCENTILEX.EXC Statistical Returns the k-th (exclusive) percentile of an expression values in a table.
PERCENTILEX.INC Statistical Returns the k-th (inclusive) percentile of an expression values in a table.
PERMUT Statistical Returns the number of permutations for a given number of objects that can be selected from number objects. A permutation is any set or subset of objects or events where internal order is significant. Permutations are different from combinations, for which the internal order is not significant. Use this function for lottery-style probability calculations.
PI Math and Trig Returns the value of π, 3.14159265358979, accurate to 15 digits.
POISSON.DIST Statistical Returns the Poisson distribution. A common application of the Poisson distribution is predicting the number of events over a specific time, such as the number of cars arriving at a toll plaza in 1 minute.
POWER Math and Trig Returns the result of a number raised to a power.
PREVIOUSDAY Time Intelligence Returns a previous day.
PREVIOUSMONTH Time Intelligence Returns a previous month.
PREVIOUSQUARTER Time Intelligence Returns a previous quarter.
PREVIOUSYEAR Time Intelligence Returns a previous year.
PRODUCT Aggregation Returns the product of given column reference.
PRODUCTX Aggregation Returns the product of an expression values in a table.
QUOTIENT Math and Trig Returns the integer portion of a division.
RADIANS Math and Trig Converts degrees to radians.
RAND Math and Trig Returns a random number greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1, evenly distributed. Random numbers change on recalculation.
RANDBETWEEN Math and Trig Returns a random number between the numbers you specify.
RANK.EQ Statistical Returns the rank of a number in a column of numbers. If more than one value has the same rank, the top rank of that set of values is returned.
RANKX Statistical Returns the rank of an expression evaluated in the current context in the list of values for the expression evaluated for each row in the specified table.
RELATED Relationships management Returns a related value from another table.
RELATEDTABLE Relationships management Returns the related tables filtered so that it only includes the related rows.
REPLACE Text Replaces part of a text string with a different text string.
REPT Text Repeats text a given number of times. Use REPT to fill a cell with a number of instances of a text string.
RIGHT Text Returns the specified number of characters from the end of a text string.
ROLLUP Table manipulation Identifies a subset of columns specified in the call to SUMMARIZE function that should be used to calculate subtotals.
ROLLUPADDISSUBTOTAL Table manipulation Identifies a subset of columns specified in the call to SUMMARIZECOLUMNS function that should be used to calculate groups of subtotals.
ROLLUPGROUP Table manipulation Identifies a subset of columns specified in the call to SUMMARIZE function that should be used to calculate groups of subtotals.
ROLLUPISSUBTOTAL Table manipulation Pairs up the rollup groups with the column added by ROLLUPADDISSUBTOTAL.
ROUND Math and Trig Rounds a number to a specified number of digits.
ROUNDDOWN Math and Trig Rounds a number down, toward zero.
ROUNDUP Math and Trig Rounds a number up, away from zero.
ROW Table manipulation Returns a single row table with new columns specified by the DAX expressions.
SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR Time Intelligence Returns a set of dates in the current selection from the previous year.
SAMPLE Statistical Returns a sample subset from a given table expression.
SEARCH Text Returns the starting position of one text string within another text string. SEARCH is not case-sensitive, but it is accent-sensitive.
SECOND Date and Time Returns a number from 0 to 59 representing the second.
SELECTCOLUMNS Table manipulation Returns a table with selected columns from the table and new columns specified by the DAX expressions.
SIGN Math and Trig Returns the sign of a number: 1 if the number is positive, zero if the number is zero, or -1 if the number is negative.
SIN Math and Trig Returns the sine of the given angle.
SINH Math and Trig Returns the hyperbolic sine of a number.
SQRT Math and Trig Returns the square root of a number.
SQRTPI Math and Trig Returns the square root of (number * pi).
STARTOFMONTH Time Intelligence Returns the start of month.
STARTOFQUARTER Time Intelligence Returns the start of quarter.
STARTOFYEAR Time Intelligence Returns the start of year.
STDEV.P Statistical Calculates standard deviation based on the entire population given as arguments. Ignores logical values and text.
STDEV.S Statistical Estimates standard deviation based on a sample. Ignores logical values and text in the sample.
STDEVX.P Statistical Estimates standard deviation based on the entire population that results from evaluating an expression for each row of a table.
STDEVX.S Statistical Estimates standard deviation based on a sample that results from evaluating an expression for each row of a table.
SUBSTITUTE Text Replaces existing text with new text in a text string.
SUBSTITUTEWITHINDEX Table manipulation Returns a table which represents the semijoin of two tables supplied and for which the common set of columns are replaced by a 0-based index column. The index is based on the rows of the second table sorted by specified order expressions.
SUM Aggregation Adds all the numbers in a column.
SUMMARIZE Table manipulation Creates a summary of the input table grouped by the specified columns.
SUMMARIZECOLUMNS Table manipulation Create a summary table for the requested totals over set of groups.
SUMX Aggregation Returns the sum of an expression evaluated for each row in a table.
SWITCH Logical Returns different results depending on the value of an expression.
TAN Math and Trig Returns the tangent of the given angle.
TANH Math and Trig Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a number.
TIME Date and Time Converts hours, minutes, and seconds given as numbers to a time in datetime format.
TIMEVALUE Date and Time Converts a time in text format to a time in datetime format.
TODAY Date and Time Returns the current date in datetime format.
TOPN Table manipulation Returns a given number of top rows according to a specified expression.
TOTALMTD Time Intelligence Evaluates the specified expression over the interval which begins on the first of the month and ends with the last date in the specified date column after applying specified filters.
TOTALQTD Time Intelligence Evaluates the specified expression over the interval which begins on the first day of the quarter and ends with the last date in the specified date column after applying specified filters.
TOTALYTD Time Intelligence Evaluates the specified expression over the interval which begins on the first day of the year and ends with the last date in the specified date column after applying specified filters.
TRIM Text Removes all spaces from a text string except for single spaces between words.
TRUE Logical Returns the logical value TRUE.
TRUNC Math and Trig Truncates a number to an integer by removing the decimal, or fractional, part of the number.
UNICODE Text Returns the number (code point) corresponding to the first character of the text.
UNION Table manipulation Returns the union of the tables whose columns match.
UPPER Text Converts a text string to all uppercase letters.
USERELATIONSHIP Relationships management Specifies an existing relationship to be used in the evaluation of a DAX expression. The relationship is defined by naming, as arguments, the two columns that serve as endpoints.
USERNAME Information Returns the domain name and user name of the current connection with the format of domain-name\user-name.
VALUE Text Converts a text string that represents a number to a number.
VALUES Table manipulation When a column name is given, returns a single-column table of unique values. When a table name is given, returns a table with the same columns and all the rows of the table (including duplicates) with the additional blank row caused by an invalid relationship if present.
VAR.P Statistical Calculates variance based on the entire population. Ignores logical values and text in the population.
VAR.S Statistical Estimates variance based on a sample. Ignores logical values and text in the sample.
VARX.P Statistical Estimates variance based on the entire population that results from evaluating an expression for each row of a table.
VARX.S Statistical Estimates variance based on a sample that results from evaluating an expression for each row of a table.
WEEKDAY Date and Time Returns a number identifying the day of the week of a date. The number is in a range 1-7 or 0-6 according to the choice of the ReturnType parameter.
WEEKNUM Date and Time Returns the week number in the year.
XIRR Financial Returns the internal rate of return for a schedule of cash flows that is not necessarily periodic.
XNPV Financial Returns the net present value for a schedule of cash flows.
YEAR Date and Time Returns the year of a date as a four digit integer.
YEARFRAC Date and Time Returns the year fraction representing the number of whole days between start_date and end_date.
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Context Transition

This function performs a Context Transition if called in a Row Context. Click to read more.

Row Context

This expression is executed in a Row Context. Click to read more.


Not recommended

The use of this function is not recommended. See Remarks and Related functions for alternatives.

Not recommended

The use of this parameter is not recommended.


This function is deprecated. Jump to the Alternatives section to see the function to use.


A volatile function may return a different result every time you call it, even if you provide the same arguments. Click to read more.


This parameter is deprecated and its use is not recommended.

DirectQuery compatibility

Limitations are placed on DAX expressions allowed in measures and calculated columns.
The state below shows the DirectQuery compatibility of the DAX function.


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