Other Functions
These are special functions that cannot be classified in other categories.
Function | Description |
BITLSHIFT | Returns a number shifted left by the specified number of bits. |
BITRSHIFT | Returns a number shifted right by the specified number of bits. |
BLANK | Returns a blank. |
COLLAPSE | Retrieves a context with removed detail levels compared to the current context. With an expression, returns its value in the new context, allowing navigation up hierarchies and calculation at a coarser level of detail. |
COLLAPSEALL | Retrieves a context with removed detail levels along an axis. With an expression, returns its value in the new context, enabling navigation to the highest level on the axis and is the inverse of EXPANDALL. |
EARLIER | Returns the value in the column prior to the specified number of table scans (default is 1). |
EARLIEST | Returns the value in the column for the very first point at which there was a row context. |
ERROR | Raises a user specified error. |
EXPAND | Retrieves a context with added levels of detail compared to the current context. If an expression is provided, returns its value in the new context, allowing for navigation in hierarchies and calculation at a more detailed level. |
EXPANDALL | Retrieves a context with added detail levels along an axis compared to the current context. With an expression, returns its value in the new context, enabling navigation to the lowest level on the axis, and is the inverse of COLLAPSEALL. |
EXTERNALMEASURE | Invoke a measure defined in a remote model. |
FIRST | The First function retrieves a value in the Visual Calculation data grid from the first row of an axis. |
HASH | Compute hash over a variable number of input expressions and return a value. |
INFO.STORAGETABLES | Returns statistics about in-memory tables. |
ISATLEVEL | Report whether the column is present at the current level. |
KEYWORDMATCH | Returns TRUE if there is a match between the MatchExpression and Text. |
LAST | The Last function retrieves a value in the Visual Calculation data grid from the last row of an axis. |
LOOKUP | Identifies cells where specified columns match evaluated expressions, and retrieves a column value (only when a single cell is identified) or calculates an expression's value from those matching cells. |
MOVINGAVERAGE | Calculates a moving average along the specified axis of the Visual Calculation data grid. |
NEXT | The Next function retrieves a value in the next row of an axis in the Visual Calculation data grid. |
PREVIOUS | The Previous function retrieves a value in the previous row of an axis in the Visual Calculation data grid. |
RANGE | Retrieves a range of rows within the specified axis, relative to the current row. |
RANK | Returns the rank for the current context within the specified partition sorted by the specified order or on the axis specified. |
ROWNUMBER | Returns the unique rank for the current context within the specified partition sorted by the specified order or on the axis specified. |
RUNNINGSUM | Calculates a running sum along the specified axis of the Visual Calculation data grid. |
SAMPLECARTESIANPOINTSBYCOVER | Returns a sample subset from a given table expression that is obtained by plotting the rows as points in a 2D space, based on the input coordinates and radius columns, and then removing overlapping points. |
Last update: Sep 5, 2024 » Contribute » Show contributors
Contributors: Alberto Ferrari, Marco Russo