PATHCONTAINS DAX Function (Parent-child)

Returns TRUE if the specified Item exists within the specified Path.


PATHCONTAINS ( <Path>, <Item> )
Parameter Attributes Description

A string which contains a delimited list of IDs.


A value to be found in the path.

Return values

Scalar A single boolean value.

A value of TRUE if item exists in Path; otherwise FALSE.


If Item is an integer number it is converted to text and then the function is evaluated. If conversion fails then the function returns an error.

» 3 related articles
» 4 related functions


--  PATH generates a column containing the path of each node in a 
--  parent/child hierarchy
--  PATHLENGTH returns the length of a path column
--  PATHCONTAINS checks if a path column contains a value
    COLUMN Account[AccountPath] = PATH ( Account[AccountKey], Account[ParentAccountKey] )
    COLUMN Account[PathLength] = PATHLENGTH ( Account[AccountPath] )
    COLUMN Account[PathContains2] = PATHCONTAINS ( Account[AccountPath], 2 )
ORDER BY [AccountPath]
AccountKey ParentAccountKey AccountName AccountPath PathLength PathContains2
1 (Blank) Profit and Loss after tax 1 1 false
19 1 Taxation 1|19 2 false
24 1 Profit and Loss before tax 1|24 2 false
2 24 Income 1|24|2 3 true
4 2 Sale Revenue 1|24|2|4 4 true
3 24 Expense 1|24|3 3 false
5 3 Cost of Goods Sold 1|24|3|5 4 false
6 3 Selling, General & Administrative Expenses 1|24|3|6 4 false
10 6 Light, Heat, Communication Cost 1|24|3|6|10 5 false
11 6 Property Costs 1|24|3|6|11 5 false
12 6 Other Expenses 1|24|3|6|12 5 false
13 6 Marketing Cost 1|24|3|6|13 5 false
14 13 Holiday Ad Cost 1|24|3|6|13|14 6 false
20 14 Radio & TV 1|24|3|6|13|14|20 7 false
21 14 Print 1|24|3|6|13|14|21 7 false
22 14 Internet 1|24|3|6|13|14|22 7 false
23 14 Other 1|24|3|6|13|14|23 7 false
15 13 Spring Ad Cost 1|24|3|6|13|15 6 false
16 13 Back-to-School Ad Cost 1|24|3|6|13|16 6 false
17 13 Business Ad Cost 1|24|3|6|13|17 6 false
18 13 Tax Time / Summer Ad Cost 1|24|3|6|13|18 6 false
7 6 Administration Expense 1|24|3|6|7 5 false
8 6 IT Cost 1|24|3|6|8 5 false
9 6 Human Capital 1|24|3|6|9 5 false

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    DAX does not directly support parent-child hierarchies. To obtain a browsable hierarchy in the data model, you have to naturalize a parent-child hierarchy. DAX provides specific functions to naturalize a parent-child hierarchy using calculated columns. The complete pattern also includes measures that improve the visualization of ragged hierarchies in Power Pivot. » Read more

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    This article describes how to apply dynamic security roles in a hierarchical organization to minimize the maintenance effort on the security configuration and obtain the best performance at query time. » Read more

  • Strings list to table in DAX

    DAX is not like M when it comes to data manipulation, and it is not supposed to do that. However, if you need something in DAX similar to Table.FromList in M, this blog post is for you. If you have a list of values in a string in DAX and you want to obtain a table with one row for each item in the list, you can do the following: Use “|” as item separator in the string (instead of “,” or “;”) Determines the number of items in the string by using PATHLENGTH Iterates the string by using GENERATESERIES… » Read more

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Other related functions are:

Last update: Oct 20, 2024   » Contribute   » Show contributors

Contributors: Alberto Ferrari, Marco Russo

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Context Transition

This function performs a Context Transition if called in a Row Context. Click to read more.

Row Context

This expression is executed in a Row Context. Click to read more.


Not recommended

The use of this function is not recommended. See Remarks and Related functions for alternatives.

Not recommended

The use of this parameter is not recommended.


This function is deprecated. Jump to the Alternatives section to see the function to use.


A volatile function may return a different result every time you call it, even if you provide the same arguments. Click to read more.


This parameter is deprecated and its use is not recommended.

DirectQuery compatibility

Limitations are placed on DAX expressions allowed in measures and calculated columns.
The state below shows the DirectQuery compatibility of the DAX function.


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