DATEVALUE DAX Function (Date and Time)

Converts a date in the form of text to a date in datetime format.


DATEVALUE ( <DateText> )
Parameter Attributes Description

A text string that represents a date.

Return values

Scalar A single datetime value.

A date in datetime format.


The DATEVALUE function uses the locale settings of the model to understand the text value when performing the conversion. If the locale settings of the model represent dates in the format of Month/Day/Year, then the string “1/8/2009” would be converted to a datetime value equivalent to January 8th of 2009. However, if the current date and time settings represent dates in the format of Day/Month/Year, the same string would be converted as a datetime value equivalent to August 1st of 2009. An heuristic fall back to alternative formats rather than raising an error if the format provided by the locale settings of the model does not work. Therefore, a string like “1/31/2009” will always return the January 31st of 2009 regardless of the locale settings.

If the year portion of the DateText argument is omitted, the DATEVALUE function uses the current year from your computer’s built-in clock. Time information in the DateText argument is ignored.

» 1 related function


--  DATEVALUE/TIMEVALUE convert strings into dates and times
    DATEVALUE ( "10/15/2020" ),
    DATEVALUE ( "10-15-2020" ),
    TIMEVALUE ( "12:45:01" ),
    TIMEVALUE ( "12.45.01 AM" ),
    TIMEVALUE ( "15:45:01 AM" )
2020-10-15 00:00:00
2020-10-15 00:00:00
1899-12-30 12:45:01
1899-12-30 00:45:01
1899-12-30 15:45:01
--  If month and day are exchanged, the conversion still works
--  The default is defined by the international settings
    DATEVALUE ( "28/02/2020" ),
    DATEVALUE ( "02/28/2020" ),
    DATEVALUE ( "08/10/2020" ),   -- 10th of August
    DATEVALUE ( "2020-02-06" )

Related functions

Other related functions are:

Last update: Oct 3, 2024   » Contribute   » Show contributors

Contributors: Alberto Ferrari, Marco Russo

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Context Transition

This function performs a Context Transition if called in a Row Context. Click to read more.

Row Context

This expression is executed in a Row Context. Click to read more.


Not recommended

The use of this function is not recommended. See Remarks and Related functions for alternatives.

Not recommended

The use of this parameter is not recommended.


This function is deprecated. Jump to the Alternatives section to see the function to use.


A volatile function may return a different result every time you call it, even if you provide the same arguments. Click to read more.


This parameter is deprecated and its use is not recommended.

DirectQuery compatibility

Limitations are placed on DAX expressions allowed in measures and calculated columns.
The state below shows the DirectQuery compatibility of the DAX function.


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