PATHITEMREVERSE DAX Function (Parent-child)

Returns the nth item in the delimited list produced by the Path function, counting backwards from the last item in the path.


PATHITEMREVERSE ( <Path>, <Position> [, <Type>] )
Parameter Attributes Description

A string which contains a delimited list of IDs.


An integer denoting the position from the right end of the path.

Type Optional

Optional. If missing or TEXT or 0 then this function returns a string. If INTEGER or 1 then this function returns an integer.

Return values

Scalar A single value of one these types: integer, string.

The n-position ascendant in the given path, counting from current to the oldest.


  • This function can be used to get an individual item from a hierarchy resulting from a PATH function.
  • This function reverses the standard order of the hierarchy, so that closest items are listed first, For example, if the PATh function returns a list of managers above an employee in a hierarchy, the PATHITEMREVERSE function returns the employee’s immediate manager in position 2 because position 1 contains the employee’s id.
  • If the number specified for position is less than one (1) or greater than the number of elements in path, the PATHITEM function returns BLANK.
  • If type is not a valid enumeration element an error is returned.
» 4 related functions


--  PATHITEM returns the nth item of a path column, starting to count
--  from the beginning. It returns BLANK if no such element exists.
--  PATHITEMREVERSE starts to count from the tail.
--  The table should have enough column for the number of levels in the hierarchy
--  otherwise certain levels are not visible. In this example, only 4 levels 
--  are visible.
    COLUMN Account[AccountPath] =
        PATH ( Account[AccountKey], Account[ParentAccountKey] )
    COLUMN Account[Level1] = PATHITEM ( Account[AccountPath], 1, INTEGER )
    COLUMN Account[Level2] = PATHITEM ( Account[AccountPath], 2, INTEGER )
    COLUMN Account[Level3] = PATHITEM ( Account[AccountPath], 3, INTEGER )
    COLUMN Account[Level4] = PATHITEM ( Account[AccountPath], 4, INTEGER )
    COLUMN Account[Level1R] = PATHITEMREVERSE ( Account[AccountPath], 1, INTEGER )
    COLUMN Account[Level2R] = PATHITEMREVERSE ( Account[AccountPath], 2, INTEGER )
    COLUMN Account[Level3R] = PATHITEMREVERSE ( Account[AccountPath], 3, INTEGER )
    COLUMN Account[Level4R] = PATHITEMREVERSE ( Account[AccountPath], 4, INTEGER )
AccountKey ParentAccountKey AccountName AccountPath Level1 Level2 Level3 Level4 Level1R Level2R Level3R Level4R
1 (Blank) Profit and Loss after tax 1 1 (Blank) (Blank) (Blank) 1 (Blank) (Blank) (Blank)
2 24 Income 1|24|2 1 24 2 (Blank) 2 24 1 (Blank)
3 24 Expense 1|24|3 1 24 3 (Blank) 3 24 1 (Blank)
4 2 Sale Revenue 1|24|2|4 1 24 2 4 4 2 24 1
5 3 Cost of Goods Sold 1|24|3|5 1 24 3 5 5 3 24 1
6 3 Selling, General & Administrative Expenses 1|24|3|6 1 24 3 6 6 3 24 1
7 6 Administration Expense 1|24|3|6|7 1 24 3 6 7 6 3 24
8 6 IT Cost 1|24|3|6|8 1 24 3 6 8 6 3 24
9 6 Human Capital 1|24|3|6|9 1 24 3 6 9 6 3 24
10 6 Light, Heat, Communication Cost 1|24|3|6|10 1 24 3 6 10 6 3 24
11 6 Property Costs 1|24|3|6|11 1 24 3 6 11 6 3 24
12 6 Other Expenses 1|24|3|6|12 1 24 3 6 12 6 3 24
13 6 Marketing Cost 1|24|3|6|13 1 24 3 6 13 6 3 24
14 13 Holiday Ad Cost 1|24|3|6|13|14 1 24 3 6 14 13 6 3
15 13 Spring Ad Cost 1|24|3|6|13|15 1 24 3 6 15 13 6 3
16 13 Back-to-School Ad Cost 1|24|3|6|13|16 1 24 3 6 16 13 6 3
17 13 Business Ad Cost 1|24|3|6|13|17 1 24 3 6 17 13 6 3
18 13 Tax Time / Summer Ad Cost 1|24|3|6|13|18 1 24 3 6 18 13 6 3
19 1 Taxation 1|19 1 19 (Blank) (Blank) 19 1 (Blank) (Blank)
20 14 Radio & TV 1|24|3|6|13|14|20 1 24 3 6 20 14 13 6
21 14 Print 1|24|3|6|13|14|21 1 24 3 6 21 14 13 6
22 14 Internet 1|24|3|6|13|14|22 1 24 3 6 22 14 13 6
23 14 Other 1|24|3|6|13|14|23 1 24 3 6 23 14 13 6
24 1 Profit and Loss before tax 1|24 1 24 (Blank) (Blank) 24 1 (Blank) (Blank)

Related functions

Other related functions are:

Last update: Jul 24, 2024   » Contribute   » Show contributors

Contributors: Alberto Ferrari, Marco Russo

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Context Transition

This function performs a Context Transition if called in a Row Context. Click to read more.

Row Context

This expression is executed in a Row Context. Click to read more.


Not recommended

The use of this function is not recommended. See Remarks and Related functions for alternatives.

Not recommended

The use of this parameter is not recommended.


This function is deprecated. Jump to the Alternatives section to see the function to use.


A volatile function may return a different result every time you call it, even if you provide the same arguments. Click to read more.


This parameter is deprecated and its use is not recommended.

DirectQuery compatibility

Limitations are placed on DAX expressions allowed in measures and calculated columns.
The state below shows the DirectQuery compatibility of the DAX function.


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