Information Functions
Information functions provide information about the data type or filter context of the argument provided.
Function | Description |
COLUMNSTATISTICS | Provides statistics regarding every column in every table in the model. |
CONTAINS | Returns TRUE if there exists at least one row where all columns have specified values. |
CONTAINSROW | Returns TRUE if there exists at least one row where all columns have specified values. |
CONTAINSSTRING | Returns TRUE if one text string contains another text string. CONTAINSSTRING is not case-sensitive, but it is accent-sensitive. |
CONTAINSSTRINGEXACT | Returns TRUE if one text string contains another text string. CONTAINSSTRINGEXACT is case-sensitive and accent-sensitive. |
CUSTOMDATA | Returns the value of the CustomData connection string property if defined; otherwise, BLANK(). |
EVALUATEANDLOG | Return the value of the first argument and also log the value in DAX evaluation log. |
HASONEFILTER | Returns true when the specified table or column has one and only one value resulting from direct filter(s). |
HASONEVALUE | Returns true when there's only one value in the specified column. |
INFO.ANNOTATIONS | Returns a list of all annotations in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for annotation objects. |
INFO.CALCDEPENDENCY | Returns information about the calculation dependency for a DAX query. |
INFO.CATALOGS | Represents the DBSCHEMA_CATALOGS DMV query function. |
INFO.COLUMNPERMISSIONS | Returns a list of all column permissions in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for column permissions objects. |
INFO.COLUMNS | Returns a list of all columns in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for column objects. |
INFO.COLUMNSTORAGES | Returns a list of all column storages in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for column storage objects. |
INFO.CULTURES | Returns a list of all cultures in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for culture objects. |
INFO.DATASOURCES | Represents the TMSCHEMA_DATASOURCES DMV query function. |
INFO.DETAILROWSDEFINITIONS | Returns a list of all detail rows definitions in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for detail rows definitions objects. |
INFO.EXPRESSIONS | Returns a list of all expressions in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for expressions objects. |
INFO.EXTENDEDPROPERTIES | Returns a list of all extended properties in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for extended properties objects. |
INFO.FUNCTIONS | Returns information about the functions that are currently available for use in the DAX programming language. |
INFO.HIERARCHIES | Represents the TMSCHEMA_HIERARCHIES DMV query function. |
INFO.KPIS | Returns a list of all KPIS in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for KPI objects. |
INFO.LEVELS | Returns a list of all levels in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for level objects. |
INFO.MEASURES | Returns a list of all measures in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for measure objects. |
INFO.MODEL | Represents the TMSCHEMA_MODEL DMV query function. |
INFO.OBJECTTRANSLATIONS | Returns a list of all object translations in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for object translation objects. |
INFO.PARTITIONS | Represents the TMSCHEMA_PARTITIONS DMV query function. |
INFO.PARTITIONSTORAGES | Returns a list of all partition storages in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for partition storage objects. |
INFO.PERSPECTIVECOLUMNS | Returns a list of all perspective columns in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for perspective columns objects. |
INFO.PERSPECTIVEHIERARCHIES | Returns a list of all perspective hierarchies in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for perspective hierarchies objects. |
INFO.PERSPECTIVEMEASURES | Returns a list of all perspective measures in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for perspective measures objects. |
INFO.PERSPECTIVES | Returns a list of all perspectives in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for perspectives objects. |
INFO.PERSPECTIVETABLES | Returns a list of all perspective tables in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for perspective tables objects. |
INFO.PROPERTIES | Represents the DISCOVER_PROPERTIES DMV query function. |
INFO.ROLEMEMBERSHIPS | Returns a list of all role memberships in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for role memberships objects. |
INFO.ROLES | Returns a list of all roles in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for roles objects. |
INFO.SEGMENTMAPSTORAGES | Returns a list of all segment map storages in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for segment map storage objects. |
INFO.STORAGEFILES | Returns a list of all storage files in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for storage file objects. |
INFO.STORAGEFOLDERS | Returns a list of all storage folders in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for storage folder objects. |
INFO.STORAGETABLECOLUMNS | Returns statistics about the columns of in-memory tables. |
INFO.STORAGETABLECOLUMNSEGMENTS | Returns information about the column segments used for storing data for in-memory tables. |
INFO.TABLEPERMISSIONS | Returns a list of all table permissions in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for table permissions objects. |
INFO.TABLES | Returns a list of all tables in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for table objects. |
INFO.TABLESTORAGES | Returns a list of all table storages in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for table storage objects. |
INFO.VARIATIONS | Returns a list of all variations in the current model with columns matching the schema rowset for variations objects. |
INFO.VIEW.COLUMNS | Returns a list of all columns in the current model. |
INFO.VIEW.MEASURES | Returns a list of all measures in the current model. |
INFO.VIEW.RELATIONSHIPS | Returns a list of all relationships in the current model. |
INFO.VIEW.TABLES | Returns a list of all tables in the current model. |
ISAFTER | Returns true if the list of Value1 parameters compares strictly after the list of Value2 parameters. |
ISBLANK | Checks whether a value is blank, and returns TRUE or FALSE. |
ISCROSSFILTERED | Returns true when the specified table or column is crossfiltered. |
ISEMPTY | Returns true if the specified table or table-expression is Empty. |
ISERROR | Checks whether a value is an error, and returns TRUE or FALSE. |
ISEVEN | Returns TRUE if number is even, or FALSE if number is odd. |
ISFILTERED | Returns true when there are direct filters on the specified column. |
ISINSCOPE | Returns true when the specified column is the level in a hierarchy of levels. |
ISLOGICAL | Checks whether a value is a logical value (TRUE or FALSE), and returns TRUE or FALSE. |
ISNONTEXT | Checks whether a value is not text (blank cells are not text), and returns TRUE or FALSE. |
ISNUMBER | Checks whether a value is a number, and returns TRUE or FALSE. |
ISODD | Returns TRUE if number is odd, or FALSE if number is even. |
ISONORAFTER | The IsOnOrAfter function is a boolean function that emulates the behavior of Start At clause and returns true for a row that meets all the conditions mentioned as parameters in this function. |
ISSELECTEDMEASURE | Returns true if one of the specified measures is currently being evaluated. |
ISSUBTOTAL | Returns TRUE if the current row contains a subtotal for a specified column and FALSE otherwise. |
ISTEXT | Checks whether a value is text, and returns TRUE or FALSE. |
NAMEOF | Returns the name of a column or measure. |
SELECTEDMEASURE | Returns the measure that is currently being evaluated. |
SELECTEDMEASUREFORMATSTRING | Returns format string for the measure that is currently being evaluated. |
SELECTEDMEASURENAME | Returns name of the measure that is currently being evaluated. |
USERCULTURE | Returns the culture code for the user, based on their operating system or browser settings. |
USERNAME | Returns the domain name and user name of the current connection with the format of domain-name\user-name. |
USEROBJECTID | Returns the current user's Object ID from Azure AD for Azure Analysis Server and the current user's SID for on-premise Analysis Server. |
USERPRINCIPALNAME | Returns the user principal name. |
Last update: Jan 18, 2025 » Contribute » Show contributors
Contributors: Alberto Ferrari, Marco Russo, Gert Christen